Electromyographical study on motor function of residual intestine after massive resection of small intestine.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Canine intestine 80% was resected, and the post-operative residual intestine was observed on its motor-function in time course by the use of electro-myographic test. The results are as follows.<BR>1. Post-operative frequency of electric discharge was reduced, and it was reduced at the residual jejunum in time course, while it was nearly constant at the residual ileum.<BR>2. Residual jejunum showed no significant change in the continuous time and amplitude of spike burst after operation. While residual ileum showed the post-operative increasing tendency.<BR>3. When the ratio of active phase, average of spike burst occurrences in one minute was regarded as index of intestinal excitability, the excitability was increased in both jejunum and ileum at earlier stage after operation. However, the ileum showed earlier recovery tendency.<BR>4. Electric discharge interval after resection became irregular, and the occurrence rate of antiperistaltic propagation was elevated.<BR>5. Residual ileum showed a longer tendency of one series of MMC after operation. Residual jejunum showed numerous occurrences of MMC up to 3 months after operation, there after, occurring interval of MMC was extended, and MMC-series showed the shortened tendency.<BR>6. Conduction velocity was higher after operation at the residual ileum, and it was not recovered even after 2-3 years, while residual jejunum showed a recovery trend with the peak at the 6th week after operation.
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- Electromyographical study on motor function of residual intestine after massive resection of small intestine.