- 論文の詳細を見る
The Israel Baseball League (IBL) that started in the summer of 2007 is one example of the expanding of sports in recent years that has an increasing relation with capital. Most IBL players come from outside of Israel. Players from developed countries participate in the league by using the vacation for their self-actualization. On the contrary, players from developing nations come to obtain provisions of life. This means a "CenterPeripheral" relation is occurring, from the areas where professional baseball has been played to the baseball-barren "Deterritorialized" world of Israel. It is thought Jewish nationalism is a great factor supporting the professional league which suddenly started in Israel, where profits can't be expected from the baseball business. In fact, the IBL carries out the function of getting U.S. immigrants to imagine solidarity with the Jewish community in the native state. At present, professional baseball is in the process of developing a global aspect, supported by the MLB, and in North America a business model of "Independent Leagues" that supplements this flow has appeared. It can be said that the IBL is one of the "Independent Leagues" that is also expanding globally. Though sports have spread from "Central" to "Peripheral" nations as a cultural event before, the current expansion is being accomplished as one of the systems of production. We can see one aspect of how globalization has influenced of sports from this example of IBL.
- プロスポーツのグローバル化におけるスポーツ労働移民の変容--野球不毛の地イスラエルに集うプロ野球選手の観察から
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- 書評 Klein, Alan. M.; Growing the game: the globalization of major league baseball, Yale University Press, 2006
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- 書評 Klein, Alan. M.; Growing the game: the globalization of major league baseball, Yale University Press, 2006
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- 書評 Chetwynd, Josh and Belton, Brian A. (2007). British Baseball and the West Ham Club : History of a 1930s Professional Team in East London, McFarland
- ベースボールにみるグローバル化(3)北米野球のリロケート先としてのオーストラリア
- プロ野球をめぐるグローバルな相互関連関係=「ベースボール・レジーム」の構築と拡大についての一考察 : 2008年世界プロ野球におけるスポーツ労働移民の分析から
- ベースボール拡大の諸相--イスラエルプロ野球にみるスポーツ産業のグローバル化
- Chetwynd, Josh and Belton, Brian A. (2007) . British Baseball and the West Ham Club: History of a 1930s Professional Team in East London, McFarland.
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