- 論文の詳細を見る
Golf skill is evaluated in conjunction with driver swing. Various factors in golf swing motion are measured. These are ; body twist motion (twist angle, velocity and acceleration), golf club velocity, ball velocity, ball back spin and so on. A new system to measure the body twist motion is proposed, which uses two rate gyros. One of them is set at the center of shoulders and the other is set at the center of waist. By using measured variables and/or factors, the average score estimation system based on the artificial neural network is proposed. Among the factors above, the following eight factors have been found effective in estimating the average score :(1)standard deviation of head velocity(2)average ball velocity(3)standard deviation of ball velocity(4)standard deviation of side spin(5)standard deviation of body twist angle(6)average maximum body twist angular velocity(7)average maximum body twist angular acceleration(8)standard deviation of maximum body twist angular acceleration at impact time The average score estimation system that the uses these eight factors and is based on the artificial neural network successfully estimates the score.
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