- 論文の詳細を見る
Windsurfing is viewed both as a competitive sport and leisure activity. It is relatively safe and easy to learn and thus appeals to a wide range of age groups. The main aims of this study are to discuss the changes in sails, and to consider the future direction of windsurfing in general as a competitive and leisure sport. In windsurfing, the ability of the sail to lift efficiently and handle well is vital. In racing, the equipment used has for the most part, been standardised, thus the principal objective or focus on racing has been to the improve the actual sailing skills of the board riders themselves. Emphasis has been placed on improving technique and board speed. Hence, because the equipment was standardised, not much change was seen for some time. Gradually, however, the actual race form of style of race itself changed, for example with races held in a number of varying conditions, such as in gale winds and light winds, and with new styles such as wave riding. These varied races and weather conditions of course demanded various types of equipment to suit specific needs, hence, quite radical innovations were made in order to maximize board speed, handling and performance. Changes in the materials used and the design of sails have been quite notable. Generally speaking, one sail is limited in its function, but changes in the panel lay-out make it possible to change sail size and shape, thus allowing more control of wind quantity in the sail The sailing, though use of a new Battem and CAM system, controls the draft, and provides more effective sail lift. The windsurfer mast once constructed of aluminum, is now constructed of carbon fiber. Next, in order to improve handling and provide stable lift, improvements were made in the trading edge by using a cutaway sail, thus improving overall board speed. Also, the material of the main sail was changed from dacron or mylar cross, to monofilm. Every year, improvement is added gradually to the various parts. However, because there is only one sheet of sail, all changes influence each other and, moreover, the improvements and changes affect the details. In the future, the equipment of windsurfing will become more compact, but generate the same lift. With this, handling and board speed are expected to improve. Also, as sail and board design are developed in accordance with identical concepts, more effective lift can be expected.
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