- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigated how the physical variables of complex figures had effects on psychological complexity and recognition of complex figures. Complexity was objectively defined by the amount of convex parts and Perimeter/√Area (P/√A), which varied with both the number of convex parts and the length of one convex part. In complexity, judgments the results showed that the judged complexity was not well predicted by P/√A, and that the amount of convex parts rather than P/√A had much influence on the judged complexity. In a recognition experiment, the results showed that performance was dependent on both the number of convex parts and the length of one convex part when P/√A was held constant. When P/√A was low and constant, performance tended to deteriorate with increasing the amount of convex parts. But when P/√A was high and constant, performance peaked at a convex parts value of 8, and deteriorated at higher or lower values of convex parts. The results indicated that both the number of convex parts and the length of one convex part were effective in deteriorating retention in visual short-term memory, and that P/√A had indirect influence on performance.
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