- 論文の詳細を見る
We made investigations of the 53 persons in the Shimogo Section (24 males and 29 females) in September, 1976 and of the 54 persons in the Kamisugamata Section (18 males and 36 females) in April, 1977, and came to the conclusion with the following results.I On the cephalic, facial, percussive and auscultatory findings1) As to bodily type, a lean and tall type is seen in many males and corpulence or emaciation is seen in many females.2) As to senile baldness, more males are sufferers from it in any age-group with a statistically significant difference.As to white hair, no statistically significant difference between the sexes can be seen in any age-group.3) Arcus senilis is seen in both the males and the females over 40 years old. No statistically significant difference can be seen between the sexes in any age-group.4) More males have special long-hair in their eyebrows and their external ear holes, etc., with statistically significant differences.5) The latter section has more sufferers from abnormal knee-jerk, conjunctivitis and accentuation of second aortic sound, and this seems to be due to the fatigue of their farm work.6) The pigmentary flecks of skin. are seen in the males and the females over 40 years old, and the older is age, the more are the pigmentary flecks of skin. No statistically significant difference between the sexes can be seen.II On the blood pressure, ECG findings and the results of urine examination1) The average value and the standard deviation of maximum and minimum blood pressure of the males over 40 years old in the Shimogo Section are 137.3±18.7 mmHg and 83.0±11.6 mmHg, and those of the females in the same section are 151.4±28.0 mmHg and 79.9±12.8 mmHg, while those of the males over 40 years old in the Kamisugamata Section are 137.1 ±±21.2 mmHg and 81.4± 9.9 mmHg, and those of the females in the same section are 140.7±18.1 mmHg and 81.3±11.3 mmHg. No statistically significant differences can be seen between the sections or sexes.2) ECG findings can be seen in 8.3% of the males and 31.0% of the females in the former section and in 31.0% of both the males and the females in the latter section. The males in the latter section have more findings than those of the former section, though the difference is statistically insignificant. This may be due to their overwork in the busy farming season.3) As to positive reaction of urobilinogen in urine, nobody is suffering from it in the former section, while as many as 2 males (11.1%) and 12 females (35.3%) are suffering from it in the latter section. This seems to be due to the fatigue of their farm work in the busy farming season, as in the case of ECG findings. As to albuminuria, 2 males and 5 females in the latter section are suffering from it. As to glycosuria, 2 males in the former section and 1 female in the latter section are suffering from it.III On the blood picture and the liver function1) The average value and the standard deviation of the specific gravity of whole?blood of the males and females in the Shimogo Section are 1.0567±0.0020, and 1.0538±0.0019 respectively, while those of the males and females in the Kamisugamata Section are 1.0563±0.0020, and 1.0538±0.0021 respectively. 2 males (8.3% )and 3 females (10.8%) of lower specific gravity are found in the former section, while 2 males (11.1%) and 6 females (17.1%) are found in the latter section. The latter section has more persons of lower specific gravity, but as to the average value, no statistically significant differences can be seen between the sections.2) As to the average value and the standard deviation of the amount of hemoglobins, the males have 15.64±0.76g/dl and the females have 13.96±1.21g/dl in the Shimogo Section, while the males have 16.13±2.09g/dl and the females have 14.01±1.69g/dl in the Kamisugamata Section. 1 mate (4.2%) and 1 female (3.6%) of lower densit
- 日本民族衛生学会の論文
岡田 勇
大平 修二
獨協医科大学 国際環境衛生センター
三浦 善憲
獨協医科大学 医学部 衛生学
楯 博
岡田 勇
楯 博
三浦 善憲
大平 修二
岡田 勇
獨協医科大学 衛生学教室
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- Overview of the Philippine Health System