- 論文の詳細を見る
An effective literature search is essential to develop clinical practice guidelines. However most guidelines do not describe the search strategy. In 1997, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan started providing subsidies to establish clinical guidelines based on scientific evidence. The Japanese Ophthalmological Society studied clinical guidelines for cataract in 2000 and 2001 and completed its own guidelines in March 2002. Because we participated in this project by conducting literature searches and knew about the search strategy in detail, we analyzed the evidence cited in the clinical practice guidelines to improve the search strategy. A total of 319 articles were cited. Most articles were published in journals of ophthalmology in the past 10 years. About 90% of articles were from non-Japanese journals, and half of the articles from Japanese journals were in English. Some key words describing study design were indexed to most citations. About 16% of citations were not included in search results because of poor communication with the guideline developers. Therefore, we believe that both good communication with guideline developers and a search strategy using terms describing study design are necessary for developing practice guidelines.
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- Use of a Microcomputer to Rearrange Bound Journals.
- The Electronic Library. Report on the Japan-U.S. Library Conference 1996.
- The Health Science Libraries in London.
- Book Reviews
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- Quality and character of biomedical meeting abstracts. questionnaire results.
- タイトル無し