Characteristics and evaluation of health-related magazines.
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper basically aims at clarifying the characteristics of health-related magazines by examining four such major magazines in Japan and considering the article contents and qualifications of the authors, in order to elucidate what types of such magazines people really need. The analysis revealed that "Mainichi Life" and "Kurashi to Kenko" try to provide health-related information based on scientific interpretation of diseases. It has also been revealed that "Watashi no Kenko" and "Sokai" provide information about specific means to alleviate symptoms rather than scientific explanation. This research has also shown that the four magazines are different in characteristics and aim to satisfy a variety of reader needs. It is suggested that these magazines are diversified in character and that there is a wide range of health information desired by the general public.
- 特定非営利活動法人 日本医学図書館協会の論文
平輪 麻里子
北川 正路
熊谷 智恵子
井上 三郎
熊谷 智恵子
神場 清治
(株) 蒼流社
黒川 玲子
宮内 洋一
山之内製薬 (株) 新薬研究所図書室
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- Characteristics and evaluation of health-related magazines.
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