Clinical conference on pediatric tuberculosis in Osaka
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Pediatric tuberculosis (TB) measures should change their emphasis from group and uniform measures to individual and specific measures because the number of patients with pediatric TB is decreasing. Following the change in TB measures, the"Clinical conference on pediatric TB in medical institutions and public health centers"has been held each year since 2003 in Osaka.During the conference, doctors, nurses and public officials from medical institutions and public health centers discuss individual patients with pediatric TB to achieve common understanding about TB prevention, treatment support and patient background.Discussion during the conference has been utilized to establish treatment support and preventative measures.The number of delegates at the conference has been increasing, and participants other than doctors, nurses and public officials have recently attended.TB measures such as this conference may be preferable to develop TB measures in Japan because many cases of pediatric TB are seen in Japanese cities.
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- Clinical conference on pediatric tuberculosis in Osaka