[第4回日本中性子科学会学会賞技術賞]受賞特集 試料水平型パルス中性子反射率計ARISAのビームライン設計の最適化
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The dedicated neutron reflectometer with a horizontal sample-geometry, named as ARISA (Advanced Reflectometer for Interface and Surface Analysis), was constructed at a pulsedneutronsource of the KENS in a year of 2000. The adoption of the horizontal samplegeometryenabled us to make reflectivity measurements on free interfaces such as liquidsurfaces, liquid/liquid interfaces, etc., and various interfacial studies mainly relevant tosoft-materials have been developed until the KENS was shutdown in March, 2006. Theone of key factors for success on the ARISA is the use of thermal neutrons with theshorter wavelengths, which contributed much to the extension in accessible Q<SUB>Z</SUB> as wellas reflectivity range at the small neutron source of the KENS. The two downward beamlines with different angles are guided viewing directly a moderator surface within ageometrical restriction of the existing beam hole, and one of them was selected by usingan elevation system for actual measurements. Much effort has been paid for backgroundsuppression. It was realized that specular reflectivity can be measured up to 2.3 nm<SUP>-1</SUP>in Q<SUB>Z</SUB> and down to-10<SUP>-6</SUP> in reflectivity.
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