- 論文の詳細を見る
As the greater part of the immunoreactive angiotensin II in cerebrospinal fluid has been suggested to be angiotensin III, a comparison was made between the effects on vasopressin release of angiotensin II and angiotensin III administered into the third cerebral ventricle in conscious male rats. The blood samples were collected 90 seconds after the injection of angiotensin II or angiotensin III by means of decapitation. <BR>Plasma vasopressin (μU/ml) extracted and determined by radioimmunoassay were 2.3±0.8, 6.7±5.0, 14.0±2.2, 16.3±4.3 and 20.7±2.5 (mean ± SEM), respectively following the injection of 0, 10, 25, 50 and 10Ong of angiotensin II. The increases in plasma vasopressin produced by angiotensin II 25, 50 and 10Ong were statistically significant (p<0.05). On the other hand, plasma vasopressin following the injection of 22.7 and 45.4ng of angiotensin III, which are equimolar to 25 and 50ng of angiotensin II each, were 14.9±2.7 and 16.3±5.6, respectively. No significant difference was found between the effect on plasma vasopressin of angiotensin II and that of angiotensin III at the dose level of 24.3 or 48.6 p.mol. <BR>These data indicate that angiotensin III is equipotent to angiotensin II in terms of vasopressin release when administered into the third cerebral ventricle. The possible role of angiotensin III in the brain on vasopressin secretion is discussed.
坂口 武夫
坂口 武夫
根来 英雄
鴨井 久司
浜 斉
山口 賢一
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