糖尿病性前昏睡と尿崩症を合併し, 酢酸オクトレオチド投与により腫瘍の縮小が認められた末端肥大症の一例
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A 58-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for impaired consciousness, hyperglycemia and bitemporal hemianopsia. She was diagnosed as having NIDDM one year ago and was treated with diet and glibenclamide (1.25mg/day) for 6 months. However, she stopped her medical treatment one month ago and then polydipsia and general fatigue were manifested. She was admitted to a hospital five days ago at which time hyperglycemia (405mg/dl) and anemia (Hb8.0g/dl) were detected. She was transferred to our hospital for control of blood glucose and further examination of bitemporal hemianopsia. She showed typical acromegalic features including enlargement of the nose, lips and tongue, increased heel pad and acral growth. Conscious disturbance was cured by the infusion of saline and the administration of insulin. Endoscopy revealed an active gastric ulcer (A<SUB>1</SUB>). Endocrine data disclosed increased GH levels in plasma and urine, whereas plasma IGF-1 levels were low. Plasma GH paradoxically increased following the administration of TRH. A water deprivation test showed an impaired increase in urinary osmolarity, indicating partial central diabetes insipidus (DI). MRI with Gd-contrast revealed a macroadenoma which progressed toward suprasella. She was diagnosed as having acromegaly, partial DI and probable hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic diabetic pre-coma. Polyuria (5-101/day) due to partial DI was controlled by the administration of DDAVP (10μg/day). The constant subcutaneous administration of octreotide (240μg/day) resulted in normal plasma GH levels and a marked shrinkage of the pituitary tumor. The pituitary tumor was finally removed by the transsphenoidal approach following treatment with octreotide for 4 months. HE staining of the pituitary tumor showed atrophic and acidophilic cells surrounded by hyaloid connective tissue. After the surgery, plasma GH levels were normalized and complications were cured. In conclusion, this is a very rare case of acromegaly associated with diabetic pre-coma and parial DI, and effectively treated with constant subcutaneous infusion of octreotide.
- 一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会の論文
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