- 論文の詳細を見る
The Lissajous' display has been applied as the monitoring of the brain haemodynamics in the NCU and/or the operating room. The carotid pulse wave and the radial flow wave (Doppler) were fed respectively to the ordinate and the coordinate axis of the CRT.<BR>1) In the up-hill course, the carotid pulse wave has commonly gone ahead of the radial flow wave (anti-clock wise rotation). In the down-hill, the situation has been reverse.<BR>2) It seems to us that the Lissajous' curve is grossly related to the CVR if the general circulation is approximately normal. In our case the CVR has been indirectly calculated. The senser was moved at first from the radial to the internal carotid. Both the internal carotid flow wave thus obtained and the carotid pulse wave were fed to the electronic device called the diviser. The output, so-called resistance wave was analyzed by means of the FFT. The percentage of the power of the basic frequency has been parallel to the CVR calculated differently.<BR>3) For the purpose of the quantitative display, the cross-spectrum was constructed by using the same two waves as the Lissajous'. The phase shift has been clinically contributable in the case of the vasospasm or the hydrocephalus of the aneurysm, the mass effect of the cerebral thrombosis and/or the postoperative stage of the hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage. Exceptionally, the time course during the surgery could not been properly shown with the cross-spectrum.<BR>4) Two Lissajous' curves of the different techniques, e. g., the Lissajous' recorded with the Statham' probe and the percutaneously derived pulse wave, or the radial and the internal carotid, must, not be compared, because the transfer function of every techniques is not known at present.<BR>5) In the near future the regression functions discussed in this paper should be revised when the radio-nuclide study of the <SUP>133</SUP>Xenon replace the "CVR"above mentioned (indirect calculation).
- The Japanese Society on Surgery for Cerebral Strokeの論文
藤田 雄三
荒木 攻
松永 守雄
新宮 正
倉敷中央病院 脳神経外科
須田 金弥
倉敷中央病院 脳神経外科
高木 貞治
倉敷中央病院 医用情報処理室
松本 陽
倉敷中央病院 脳神経外科
藤田 雄三
倉敷中央病院 脳神経外科
荒木 攻
倉敷中央病院 脳神経外科
松永 守雄
倉敷中央病院 脳神経外科
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