- 論文の詳細を見る
Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) is caused by inhomogeneity in materials and is due to shape, size and spatial distribution of the scattering particle. Bone that consists of hydroxyapatite-like mineral deposited in a hydrated organic matrix is well described as two-phase structure. Thus, the SAXS can provide information on mean size, predominant orientation and typical shape of mineral crystals in bone. At first, the mean sized has determined by Guinier's analysis. It has been known that the intensity curve by isotropic three-dimensional materials having two-phase structures decreases as q<SUP>-4</SUP> at large qs (q=4πsinθ/λ), according to the theory of Porod. Perret and Ruland have extended Porod's theory to one applicable to isotropic two-dimensional two-phase system. We applied their theory for the intensity curve from oriented bone. The SAXS pattern was also found to show a diffuse scattering that develops in a fan-like fashion perpendicular to the long axis of the oriented bone. Recently, Fratzl et al have extensively studied bone mineralization using the theory of Perret and Ruland. The thickness of the mineral crystals was found to be 3-4 nm.The SAXS results suggested the existence of needle-shaped mineral crystals and plate-shaped crystals. Recently, microfocus SAXS has been developed.
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