- 論文の詳細を見る
Spontaneous rhythmic contraction-dilatasion of the blood vessel is defined as vasomotion. In the present study, a physiological meaning of the intermittent circulation by such vasomotion is considered. Since the intermittent flow by vasomotion at precapillary sphincter brings about change of the amount of erythrocyte per unit length of a capillary, as a result the degree of blood viscosity are changed. Moreover, if pressure change in a terminal arteriole is occurred by vasomotion, the distribution of local pressure in a capillary will more change, and transportation of the water is influenced. Consequently, vasomotion is related to the fluid exchange between the tissue and capillary, and the generation of lymphatic fluid. The capillary bed of skeletal muscle is chosen as a model, and the oxygen transportation is considered theoretically. If the erythrocyte which flows a capillary according to the result is intermittent, and especially a capillary network lapses into a low blood-flow state, the tissue oxygen pressure during vasomotion is higher than that at the maintain steady state of capillary flow. The intermittent flow by vasomotion is decreasing the dead angle point of oxygen transportation, and is said to make movement of the oxygen through capillary wall more efficient.
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