Aldosteroneの化学的測定に関する臨床的研究:第2編 原発性及び続発性アルドステロン症に於ける尿中Aldosterone排泄値について
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1) A male patients of typical primary aldosteronism, who was operated to demonstrate adrenocortical adenoma of left side, was measured urinary aldosterone sixteen times in the course of time by using the improved Neher-Wettstein's method as mentioned before, and increased urinary aldosterone output was found.<BR>But soon after salt in diet was restricted, the urinary aldosterone happened to decrease was improvement of both the electrolyte metabolism and clinical manifestations.<BR>This patient was administered ACTH-Gel intramuscularly every day for the periods of 4 days, but no altering effect on urinary aldosterone excretion was found.<BR>2) Eight cases of non-familiar periodic paralysis, which is often encountered in male adults in Japan, were determined daily urinary output of aldosterone. In six out of eight cases, daily urinary aldosterone was determined and compared, not only in the period of attack, induced spontaneously or by provocation test, but also in the interval period respectively.<BR>In all four case, which happened to appear typical paralysis, a marked increase of urinary aldosterone output was found during the attack, but in all the cases, in which only in complete attack was induced by provocation, the increase of urinary aldosterone was almost not observed.<BR>Hyperthyroidism was noticed in many out of cases of periodic paralysis mentioned above, and paralytic attack happened to disappear in accordance with healing or improvement of hyperthyroidism after treatment with radioactive iodine (I<SUP>131</SUP>) or mercazole. In a case of periodic paralysis, in which paralytic attack disappeared after treatment with I<SUP>131</SUP>, provocation did not induce any attack and not increase urinary output of aldosterone.<BR>From the above mentioned results, it may be concluded that adrenocortical hormones, especially aldosterone play an important role in the pathogenesis of paralytic attack in periodic paralysis, by influencing the metabolism of electrolytes.<BR>3) In both two cases of liver cirrhosis associated with ascites and two cases of liver swelling caused by liver cancer and Hodgkin's disease respectively, the urinary aldosterone was markedly increased, and it was slightly increased in each two cases of liver cirrhosis without ascites, hepatitis and cholelithiasis, respectively.<BR>4) In two out of four cases of essential hypertension was found that urinary aldosterone was slightly increased.
- 一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会の論文
- Aldosteroneの化学的測定に関する臨床的研究:第1編 測定法の吟味及び正常人の尿中Aldosterone排泄値について
- Aldosteroneの化学的測定に関する臨床的研究:第2編 原発性及び続発性アルドステロン症に於ける尿中Aldosterone排泄値について