- 論文の詳細を見る
The motion of pronation and supination of the forearm is one of findings of soft neurological signs. Soft neurological signs used as diagnosis methods of a developmental disability. The motion of pronation and supination of the forearm is movement to bend elbow to 90 degrees, and to rotate the palm and the back of the hand. When doctor checks this motion, he observes a patient's regularity and dexterity. But there are problems. The one by doctor's personal subjectivity is large, because the evaluation between doctors isn't equable. It is hoped that a more objective and simple evaluation method is established. We developed evaluation system of a motion of pronation and supination of a forearm using three-dimensional wireless acceleration and angular velocity sensors. Our developed evaluation system is a simple and easy system. We think that this system have the potential to be used as the evaluation system for a developmental disability. This paper deals with a examination and details of indices for evaluating a motion of pronation and supination.
伊良皆 啓治
九州大学 大学院システム情報科学研究院 情報学部門大学院システム生命科学府
亀井 優一朗
金子 美樹
九州大学 システム生命科学府
亀井 優一朗
九州大学 システム情報科学府
奥井 大志
九州大学 システム情報科学府
石西 洋
(株) ネットワーク応用技術研究所
平川 剛
(株) ネットワーク応用技術研究所
片山 喜規
九州大学 システム情報科学府
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