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For analyses of the food habits of small carnivores by faeces or by gut contents, the identification of prey hairs is required. The present study aims to identify the hairs of 13 species of small mammals in Hokkaido, Japan. The size, shape, cross-section, scale pattern and medulla type were used for identification of the hair. Hares (<I>Lepus timidus ainu</I>) have long guard hairs with many air cells in medulla. The pigmented proportion on the guard hairs of 2 species of <I>Suciuridae</I> is large. These 3 species could be identified by those characters of the guard hair. Insectivores have characteristic constricted fine hairs. Seven species of rodents could be separated into 3 groups by the cross-section of guard hair. Norway rats (<I>Rattus norvegicus</I>) have an oval crosssection on guard hair. Guard hairs in genus <I>Apodemus</I> and <I>Mus</I> show a convex shape cross-section, whereas those of genus <I>Clethrionomys</I> show a H-shape cross-section. The size and shape of guard hairs could be used for identication of <I>A. argenteus and Mus musculus</I> in the 4 species which have convex shape cross-section. Two species in genus <I>Clethrionomys</I> could be separated considerably by the size and scale pattern of guard hairs.
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