- 論文の詳細を見る
An 18-year-old female student had had recurrent bilateral ocular symptoms for eight years and arthralgia for three years. The ocular symptoms subsided each time steroid eye drops were applied. Recurrent vertiginous attacks appeared fifteen months previously and she had noticed bilateral tinnitus and hearing impairment during the past five months. Hearing impairment had been fluctuant and progressive despite oral steroid therapy.Ophthalmologic examination revealed iritis, episcleritis and peripheral corneal deposits. Neurotological examination demonstrated bilateral sensorineural deafness of the cochlear type and bilateral severe vestibular dysfunction. Steroid therapy had no apparent effects on either hearing or vestibular dysfunction. Visual acuity was well preserved.The etiology of Cogan's syndrome remains to be elucidated. In this case, no interstitial keratitis was demonstrated, and such was attributed to the steroid therapy in the early stage of ocular signs. The possible relationship between Cogan's syndrome and systemic vascular disorders was suggested.
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