メニエ-ル病のケ-ス・コントロ-ル研究 (メニエ-ル病の研究-5-<特集>)
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A case-control study of Meniere's disease was made on the pationts with otolaryngological disturbances in Tokyo University Hospital. 14.6 percent of Meniere's disease patients had hypotonia at the time of attack and the percent was significantly higher than 6-8 percent of the control patients.Mental and/or physical strain, irritation, trouble, lack of sleep and some foods strongy contributed to occurrence of Meniere's disease, although ear-splitting noise, smoking and menstruation had mild effects. As for a sense of tasts, Meniere's disease patients were a little more fond of a sour taste than the control patients.Meniere's disease patients more raised cats than the control patients. There was no difference between both groups regarding history of occupation, medical history, urban and rural factors and complications, except for hypotonia.Those with long period of attack suspension (long period group) had a higher sex ratio than those with a short period of attack suspension (short period group). In the short period group there was a higher frequency of disturbance of the circulatory system (i. e. arteriosclerosis, hypertension, hypotonia, cerebrovascular disease, heart and/or vascular disease).The short period group had more raised small birds as pets than the long period groupMonthly occurrence of Meniere's disease showed an increase in spring (March-May) and in autumn (August-October).Average age of onset of Meniere's disease had annually increased.
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