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A clinical survey was made on eight patients with inner ear barotrauma due to breath holding while diving. All patients dived to less than 10 meters and noticed deafness or vertigo during diving or after a few days. The topographic site of lesion was cochlea for five cases, vestibulum for one case and vestibulo-cochlear suppression for two cases. A patient with aural vertigo was treated with Cawthorne's head excercises and such was fairly effective. Seven cases were similar to sudden deafness with regard to onset, symptoms, audiometry and vestibular test. Five of seven were treated with low molecular dextran, steroids etc., and there was satisfactory improvement in subjective objective symptoms. Two other patients could not be treated because of personal circumstances.According to the literature, rupture of the inner ear window membrane, especially, the round window membrane, could be responsible for inner ear barotrauma in divers. Vascular damage of the inner ear due to experimental aural barotrauma was also seen. Although the pathogenesis was not confirmed in these eight patients, we considered that vascular disturbance in the inner ear was the result of the barotrauma.
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