1病院施設職員におけるメニエ-ル病の調査 (メニエ-ル病の研究-3-<特集>)
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The percentage of a given population with Meniere's disease is of great interest to those concerned with the study of this disease entity. To our knowledge there are no reliable data available. This is partly because studies conducted along this line have placed emphasis solely on victims of this disease and little attention was given the population from which the patients had derived. Thus, a survey in a closed population of a known composition was carried out.The survey was carried out among personnel of Hamanomachi Hospital. As of June 1, 1977 this hospital employed 497 persons. All these persons were contacted by questionnaire and asked to return the filled in papers to us. The recovery rate for answers was 100%.There were 45 persons with Meniere's disease, that is 9% of the population. This group of persons comprised 3 males (2% of the male personnel) and 42 females (12% of the female personnel). The incidence of the disease in this small population tended to rise with advancing age.From the data, estimation was made of the number of females with Meniere's disease, aged between 20 and 59 years, for the whole of Japan. Of 3510×104 Japanese women 20 to 59 years of age, 600×104 (17%) were estimated as having the disease.Assuming that among the 452 personnel who had been diagnosed as not having Meniere's disease there are those who have a high probability of developing the disease. We therefore attempted to isolate such persons using the following criteria: (1) a history of vertigo, (2) episodes of dizziness with concurrent tinnitus and/or hearing loss, and (3) a history of dizziness with episodes of aural stuffiness and nausea occurring with fatigue. Eighty-one of the personnel, which corresponds to 20% of those free from the disease under investigation, were found to satisfy these criteria. A retrospective study of answers to the questionnaire recovered from 6 persons who developed the disease after the survey demonstrated the legitimacy of the 3 criteria mentioned above for detection of latent Meniere's disease.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
- 1.前庭感覚上皮の受傷性について/2.耳中毒性薬物による内耳病変/3.免疫学的手法による実験的平衡障害/4.前庭性外直筋活動について/5.平衡機能検査成績の経過観察/6.メニエール病長期観察例より得たる知見
- モーツァルト耳の成因
- めまいを訴えないメニエ-ル病患者 (メニエ-ル病の研究-5-)
- Changes of auditory recruitment in vestibular type Ménière's disease
- メニエ-ル病発作時の血中コルチゾ-ル値の変動 (メニエ-ル病の研究-2-)
- 1病院施設職員におけるメニエ-ル病の調査 (メニエ-ル病の研究-3-)
- 重量負荷足踏検査法
- タイトル無し
- 3-year-old boy who showed attacks of Ménière's disease