- 論文の詳細を見る
In the controlled trial of Kameyama et al., methyl-B12, a neurotropic vitamin of the B-complex proved to be safe and effective for diabetic neuropathy. There are several open trials upon the diseases of cranial nerve in otolaryngology, such as hearing loss and facial palsy. We determined the effectiveness of this drug in 40 patients with peripheral vertigo in an open trial.Concerning vestibular symptoms, i. e. vertigo and dizziness, 84% of the patients experienced relief while on 6tab/day (3000μg/day) for 4-6 weeks.The most significant results as determined by the equilibrium function test were as follows; (1) the caloric tests showed a restoration of the disequilibrium in labyrinthine excitability on the level of 1% of significance. (2) the vertical writing tests yielded a significant (p<0.005) improvement in deviation toward the affected ear which corresponds to the restoration in the caloric tests.One patient complained slight anorexia and alimentally discomfort (2.5%).
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