- 論文の詳細を見る
A 31-year-old man who suffered from vomiting, vertigo and sore throat was examined. As a result of cochlear and equilibrium tests, vertigo was found to be mainly due to the disturbance of the vestibular branch of the 8th nerve. Furthermore, the test for optokinetic nystagmus and that for eye tracking showed a slight abnormality, which indicated the simultaneous presence of functional disorder of the central nervous system. Virological-serological examinations revealed an increased count of the complementfixing antibody titer of herpes simplex. Vertigo recurred with reappearance of positional nystagmus and disorders of the oculomotor system and was accompanied by an increased titer of the above-mentioned antibody.From these findings, the following conclusions were drawn: Herpes simplex infection can be an etiological factor of vestibular neuritis, and moreover, it is possible that it affects part of the central nervous system related to equilibrium function, e. g. the brain stem.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
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