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Evaluation of the latency of the waves in the auditory brainstem response (ABR) in 133 patients with vertigo and/or dizziness was made and some comments were added. 1. The latency of the first wave was prolonged in the patients diagnosed as having Meniere's disease or central vertigo with hearing impairment in high-pitched ranges. 2. The latency of the fifth wave was prolonged in the patients diagnosed as having central vertigo or as being in a "late state of head trauma". And the degree of prolongation of the fifth wave was not always consistent with the degree of prolongation of the first wave. 3. The interval between the first and fifth waves was significantly prolonged in the patients who were diagnosed as having central origin vertigo or as being in a "late state of head trauma". Making use of the interval between the first and fifth waves was the most appropriate when diagnosing central dysfunction.In conclusion, at the otoneurological examination the ABR is one useful test for the differential diagnosis of the lesion in the brainstem, either due to a mass lesion or to a degenerative lesion.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
沖中 芳彦
関谷 透
松尾 隆晶
平田 哲康
野口 高昭
木戸 利成
関谷 透
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