Middle Ear Foreign Body of Ear Molding Material.
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A foreign body was found in the left middle ear of a 64-year-old woman during tympanoplasty- I surgery. No abnormalities were found in the external canal or inner ear. Element analysis by X-ray microanalyzer and infrared spectrum revealed that the foreign body consisted of polymethyl metacrylate beads (a resin) surrounded with a little fibrous tissue. Molding material had been instilled into the left external ear canal 4 months earlier when she was fitted for a hearing aid because of moderate bilateral deafness. The molding material had exactly the same element composition as the foreign body. So it appeared that the plastic material had flowed into the middle ear through a small hole in the ear drum to form the foreign body of resin. The resin had probably caused marked unilateral otorrhea and severe hearing loss in the left ear. In the making of hearing aid molds, medical care and consultation by specialists is as necessary as when contact lenses are prescribed.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
内田 直美
伊藤 信輔
久留米大学 医学部 耳鼻咽喉科
内田 直美
武富 正夫
城野 博文
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