Acute Otitis Media Accompanied by Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
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It has been reported that acute otitis media (AOM) can incidentally induce sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) during its course. Sixteen patients (20 ears) were examined and treated: 12 patients (15 ears) with AOM and 4 (5 ears) with otitis media with effusion (OME).Treatment, in principle, was intravenous corticosteroids, adenosine triphosphate and vitamins B1, B6 and B12 plus oral mecobalamine and vasodilators.The chief results were as follows:1) Preceeding otitis media, upper respiratory infection and/or fever were noted in almost all cases, but symptoms of influenza were rare.2) Otoscopic findings of influenza otitis media, i. e. blistering of the tympanic membrane or subepithelial bleeding in the external auditory canal, were detected in only 5 patients.3) Of the 18 ears treated with myringotomy, 15 ears (83%) had effusion; serous effusion in 13.4) Eighty percent of the patients had tinnitus at the time of the initial visit. Two patients (13%) complained of dizziness, but nystagmus was not observed.5) The mean threshold of bone conduction was between 15dB and 50dB. Nine of 17 ears (53%) tested with Bekesy audiometry revealed recruitment.6) SNHL recovered within 6 to 85 days in all but one patient, who had an unilateral SNHL of 37dB mean threshold when the treatment was completed.These results indicate that treatment for SNHL due to AOM (or OME) should be the same as for acute SNHL. Moreover, we concluded that SNHL is induced not only by AOM, but also by OME.
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