Diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea.
- 鼻アレルギーに対するノイロトロピン併用減感作療法の検討 : ダニ特異IgG, IgG_4抗体を中心に
- The distribution of immunogloblin containing cells in the human inferior nasal turbinate in relation to nasal allergy.
- Giant cell tumor in the nasal cavity; A case report.
- A case report of masseteric hypertrophy.
- Changes of nasal resistance in nasal allergy assessed by nasal provocation - Influence of serous nasal discharge.:Influence of Serous Nasal Discharge
- Diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea.
- Routine test of allergy: type I nasal allergy.
- 扁摘と咽喉頭異常感との関係