The distribution of immunogloblin containing cells in the human inferior nasal turbinate in relation to nasal allergy.
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The distribution of various immunogloblin containing cells in the human inferior nasal turbinate was investigated by an immunoenzyme technique (PAP method) applied to 25 inferior nasal turbinates removed from patients with nasal allergy or hypertrophic rhinitis.Anti-IgE, -IgG, -IgA, -IgM antibodies were employed as first antiantibodies, and the antibody containing cells in the human inferior nasal turbinates were studied microscopically.In all cases, immunoglobulin containing cells were found in the human inferior nasal turbinate and were classified as follows; largely membranous and cytoplasmic types, and minutely linear, granular, homogeneous and lumpy patterns.IgE containing cells easily recognized in the nasal mucosa of patients with nasal allergy and showed various types and patterns, but membranous type cells were most numerous.This study suggests that IgE is connected not only to mast cells, but may also combine with other cells in the human nasal turbinate.The number of IgE containing cells was closely related to the level of RAST, but not to the serum IgE level (RIST).The greatest number of IgA containing cells was observed in the nasal mucosa. This finding suggests that the nasal mucosa plays an important role in local immunity against viruses and bacteria.
岩田 重信
西村 忠郎
内藤 健晴
藤田学園保健衛生大学 医学部 耳鼻咽喉科学教室
妹尾 淑郎
藤田学園保健衛生大学 医学部 耳鼻咽喉科学教室
小山 恵三
桜井 一生
森 茂樹
内藤 健晴
桜井 一生
森 茂樹
西村 忠郎
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