A case of malignant hyperthermia.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A 36-year-old male had malignant hyperthermia. Laryngomicrosurgery was performed to treat his vocal cord polyp under general anesthesia with GOF and S. C. C. Two hours after the operation, muscle rigidity and myoglobulinuria were noted. Laboratory examination showed high values of CPK, GOT, LDH, GPT and muscle enzymes on the day after the operation. Oral administration of Dantrolene reduced the values of CPK, GOT, LDH and GPT gradually to normal. Muscle rigidity also recovered after three weeks. The possible cause, prevention and treatment of this disease are discussed.
竹内 俊二
水谷 彰仁
松岡 出
梅村 和夫
大竹 一栄
武田 八重子
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