Penetration into sinus tissue of orally administered pronase.
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PAP (peroxidase/antiperoxidase) staining methods and histopathological examination were used to study the effect and distribution of pronase in mucous membrane biopsies of 20 patients treated surgically for chronic maxillary sinusitis. In 7 of the 20 patients, mucous membranes were first excised from the right maxillary sinus, then pronase was administered orally for one week prior to removal of the mucous membranes from the left maxillary sinus. Eleven patients were given pronase for one week prior to removal of membranes from one sinus only and the two remaining patients were given no pronase at all prior to surgery.Histopathological comparison of tissues removed from patients after pronase therapy with those removed from patients prior to or receiving no therapy revealed: 1. inhibition of membrane edema; 2. increased fibrin deposits; 3. diminished eosinophil and lymphocyte infiltration; and, 4. proliferation of mucous glands within the mucoua. These findings suggest the destruction of mediators involved in the inflammatory process and a decrease in the number of bacteria as a result of tissue necrosis and sloughing.Strong positive PAP staining demonstrated pronase deposits in: 1. the stroma; 2. the epithelium and the seromucous glands; 3. the lumen of the blood vessels; and, 4. the neutrophiles and macrophages located within the tissue specimen removed after pronase administration. It should be noted, however, that very weak staining was also seen in tissue specimens removed prior to pronase administration.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
中村 勉
宇多 弘次
香川医科大学 第2病理
寺島 昭夫
斉藤 勝弘
石田 稔
藤崎 茂巳
寺島 昭夫
宇多 弘次
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