虫の音が人の感性に及ぼす影響 (日本感性工学会研究論文集)
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In many cricket species, male crickets sing a specific song to call female crickets, and Japanese people have felt their songs tasteful and one of the seasonal scenes. This study investigated the relation between the songs and human mind and considered how people feel the songs. Three different species, <I>Homoeogryllus japonicus, Teleogryllus emma</I> and <I>Oecanthus indicus</I>, were used for this study, and the specific songs were statistically analyzed. When fluctuation pattern of the songs were analyzed, a 1/f mode was often seen at the range of low frequency regions of power-spectrum, suggesting that the songs are pleasant. Then, the impressions of the songs were investigated with SD-method, and the results of factor analysis showed that the songs gave pleasantness to people. Especially, people felt comfortableness to the sound and rhythm of <I>H. japonicus</I> and <I>T. emma song</I>. We finally conclude that these songs remember people some natural scene and gives a pleasantness.
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- 虫の音が人の感性に及ぼす影響 (日本感性工学会研究論文集)
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