- 論文の詳細を見る
The variations in the first Lyapunov exponents of utered voice are strongly related to the mental status of the uttere person and the first Lyapunov exponents of uttered voice vary in accordance with the status of the brain functions of the person whc utters. If the person has brain disorder or he or she is tired, the exponents vary at a low level. However, for the case of a normal person who was appropriately rested, the first Lyapunov exponents of his uttered voice varycorresponding to the "degree of utilization of his brain". Thus, it is possible to observe the changes in the mental status of a speaker from the changes in the chaoticity of the speaker's voice. Moreover, if we were to more precisely analyze the chaoticity of the speaker's voice, individual keywords for the person can be found. A chaotic uttering voice analysis technology can be considered as a technology to install a tachometer on the brain of a speaker. The proposed signal processing algorithms will greatly enhance the sensitivity of th tachometer compared with the conventional methods.
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