A Signal Processing of Intracranial Pressure using an Ultrasonic Probe:A clinical study of continuous recordings [part I]
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The authors present a noninvasive method of measurement of Intracranial pressure (ICP) . In this experiment, we aim to detect interference echoes originating from the dura including membranous structures of the subarachnoid space through the skulls of normal thickness. The result showed that interfering echoes could be received through a 2.4-5.0mm thickness of bone flap from the skull which was removed by craniotomy, when we used a probe with a diameter of 17-20mm. With our probes, we recorded ICP continuously by changing the head position, Valsalva's maneuver, and compressing the superficial temporal artery. This measurement was performed using two peak-detectors at from the same echo pattern. The changes in pulse waves of ICP were evaluated. From these results the authors confirm the usefulness in clinical applications of our noninvasive method for the ICP measurement.
口脇 博治
杉田 虔一郎
名古屋大学 医学部脳神経外科
稲尾 意秀
口脇 博治
名古屋大学 脳神経外科
小倉 幸夫
日立建機 (株)
安藤 和彦
名古屋大学 第2外科
瀧下 利男
日立建機 (株) FA工場部開発設計部
安藤 和彦
小倉 幸夫
日立建機 (株) FA工場部開発設計部
佐久間 宣光
日立建機 (株) FA工場部開発設計部
伊藤 淳樹
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