Young Contingent Workers and Employment Support of Job Café in Oita Prefecture
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of young contingent workers within the local context of Oita, a prefecture in Kyusyu in Japan.Analysis of the some statistics revealed that unemployment rate and rate of contingent worker of youth is high not only in metropolitan areas but also peripheral prefectures, although employment problem of youth tend to be treated as a metropolitan problem.According to an analysis of the questionnaire survey, there is a mismatch between young job seekers' job preferences and the actual labor demand in Oita. Male and female young contingent workers tend to think differently about having such an employment status: men are more apprehensive about being contingent workers than women. However, it is women who more actively visit job centers or participate in occupational training in order to get rid of this employment status.The latter part of this paper is a qualitative study on Job Café Oita (an employment support center for youth in Oita) and its clients. Although there is abundant labor demand for production workers in Oita, young people dislike production jobs because of the poor work conditions and unsuitable work hours. Many young women expect to be employed as office workers, nurses, or welfare caretakers and they actually find such jobs. Some young men also hope to find such employment, but employers prefer young women as office workers and care receivers prefer to be cared for by women. Sales and transportation jobs are comparatively more accessible to male youth who do not have specific skills or schooling. A driver's license, which helps in accessing customers easily, is indispensable for obtaining these jobs. In Oita, many jobs require the applicant to have a driver's license because of the poor public transportation system. The problem is that some men are excluded from a regular employment status because they cannot afford to acquire driver's licenses.
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- Young Contingent Workers and Employment Support of Job Café in Oita Prefecture