Importance of early diagnosis and early treatment of gas gangrene
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We recently experienced a case of gas gangrene. The case was 29 years old woman, she fell down to the valley on July 2, 1972, and injuried left femur open fracture. The wound was highly damaged and flexor muscle ruptured completely. After adequate debriedement, we closed the wound primary at once. The next day she complained severe pain and cold sensation of the left leg, but general condition was so good, we observed her condition. Two days after injury, the wound become highily swelled and bad smell, tachycardia, drop of blood pressure, unconsciousness was noticed, and x-ray finding showed the typical shadow of gas gangrene, so we decided amputation of the left leg. But after operation general condition had not become better, and swelling infiltrated toward inguinal and hypochondral region. She died on July 7 at last.We realized importance of early diagnosis and early treatment, so reported this case.
冨永 積生
繁冨 頼雄
福田 幸太
板倉 宏次
宮本 龍彦
冨永 積生
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