Treatment of Osteosarcoma
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41 cases of osteosarcoma were treated in our department in 2 decades from 1960 to 1979.The surgical treatment and radiation therapy were primarily used in 8 case detected in 5 years from 1960 to 1964, the chemotherapy being applied in combination. The results were poor, the 5-year survival rate being only 12.5%.25 cases were treated in 10 years from 1965 to 1974. Only 10 of them were subjected to the pre-operative intra-arterial infusion. The 5-year survival rate was 40% and 26% for these 10 cases and the rest 15 cases who had not undergone any pre-operative intra-arterial infusion, showing a favorable effect of pre-operative intra-arterial infusion.8 cases were treated in 5 years from 1975 to 1979, 7 of them being subjected to the pre-operative intra-arterial infusion. The multi-drug chemotherapy was used in these 8 cases, who made favorable progress.Our latest therapeutic approach lays main emphasis on the pre- and post-operative chemotherapy. Namely, patients are hospitalized in short duration at intervals for chemotherapy while they are examined in the outpatient clinic for progress when they are released from the hospital. If any sign of pulmonary metastasis is detected, the patient is strongly persuaded to undergo the lobectomy.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
大幸 俊三
大幸 俊三
後藤 典彦
保田 勉
舘浦 征児
藤田 敏光
小林 定夫
鳥山 貞宜
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- Treatment of Osteosarcoma