Three cases of possible microgeodic disease.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Four cases of possible microgeodic disease were treated in the last three years. Three cases were followed up from a half year to three years.Case 1, a 7-year-old boy, had swelling and pain in his left middle finger after pressure injury which occurred in January, 1987. On examination there was spindle-shaped swelling of the affected finger. Blood count was within normal limits. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 15 to 40mm in one hour. Radiological examination revealed small, rounded lacunae in the middle phalanx of his middle finger. The oral antibiotics was given under the diagnosis of osteomyelitis for three weeks. Pain and swelling gradually improved After a half year, his symptom and radiographic changes subsided.Case 2, a 3-year-old boy, was unable to walk because of foot pain. His parents noticed swelling and redness in his right first and third toe in November, 1986. Therefore on admission, antibiotics therapy was administrated by pediatrician. Retrospectively the case was suffering from microgeodic disease. Radiologically lesions were visible in the distal phalanx of the great toe and the middle phalanx of the third toe. Ten months after, lesions were unvisible.Case 3, a 7-year-old girl, was seen in January, 1985. The right middle finger was affected. Radiological examination of the right hand revealed small geodes in the middle phalanx. At the age of ten years, radiologic findings were normal.137 Japanese cases reported in the literature, including our three cases, have been studied.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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