Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Cervical Spinal Cord Injury.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Gadolinium-DTPA was administered prospectively to 35 patients who presented themselues for magnetic resonance images (MRI) about 2 weeks after a cervical cord injury. Three types of enhancement MRI signal patterns were seen in assoication with cord injuries. Type R, seen in nine of the patients, demonstrated a rim enhancement consistent with complete quadriplegia. Type S, seen in thirteen of the patients, demonstrated a spot enhancement consistent with incomplete quadriplegia. Type N, seen in thirteen of the patints, demonstrated no enhancement cosistent with incomplete quadriplegia. This report indicates a distinct correlation between the patterns the spinal cord injury as identified by the enhancement MRI and the neurologic recovery.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
森 英治
力丸 俊一
加治 浩三
芝 啓一郎
大田 秀樹
香月 正昭
白澤 建蔵
比嘉 頴秀
白澤 建蔵
森 英治
総合せき損センター 整形外科
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