A Case of Tuberculosis of the Wrist.
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An 82 years old man with four large tumors on his left forearm visited our hospital in July 1991. At first these tumors were suspected to be malignant. Xray, bone-scintigram and angiogram of the forearm suggested malignant tumors. There was no evidence of tuberculosis on the chest Xray when first taken. Six months later the tumor developed, producing a fistula and the patient decided to be admitted for surgery. A diagnosis of tuberculosis was made and administration of INH RFP EB was effective. It is important to be aware that tuberculosis sometimes closely resembles malignant tumors. Therefore, if a malignant tumor is suspected biopsy is necessary to make a diagnosis, keeping tuberculosis in mind.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
蛭田 啓之
東京労災病院 病理
亀田 典章
伊地知 正光
伊地知 正光
東京労災病院 整形外科
亀田 典章
菅森 毅士
舟橋 敦
竹内 一哉
蛭田 啓之
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