Surgical Treatment of Hip Deformity in Cerebral Palsy.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We evaluated the results of surgical treatment of hip deformity in patients with cerebral palsy. We operated on 81 hip joints of 43 cerebral palsied patients (28 men, 15 women, mean age at surgery was 9.2 years) between 1985 and 1993. Operative methods included lengthening of the psoas and rectus femoris for flexion deformity, release of gracilis with or without adductor longus & brevis for adduction deformity, and additional surgery such as Modified Barr's operation (6), osteotomies (4), open reductions (2) and obturator neurectomy (1). In many cases deformities were well corrected, but in cases of adductor longus & brevis tenotomies, their important antigravity function was lost. Adductor longus & brevis should be preserved when the patient has the possibility of walking.Subluxation and dislocation appeared at a mean of 5 years of age, and in patients operated on before 7 years of age, their hip joints were well reduced. While in patients operated on after aged 7 years, subluxation or dislocation remained because the acetabulum couldn't grow anymore. In cases of subluxation or dislocation, we should consider osteotomies if the patient is older than 7 years.
城戸 秀彦
佐竹 孝之
中村 英次郎
柳田 晴久
石谷 栄一
柳田 晴久
石谷 栄一
中村 英次郎
城戸 秀彦
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