Follow up studies of Unilateral Total Hip Arthroplasty in Bilateral Osteoartheritis.
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We report the follow-up results in 22 cases of unilateral total hip arthroplasty in patihents with bilateral osteoarthritis.1. Pain of sixteen unoperated hips (73%) improved after one year of implantation2. Radiological findings improved in 14 hips (64%) with recovery of hip joint space.3. Patients with bilateral osteoartheritis improved. and radiological roof osteophyte and end stage osteoartheritis
貴船 雅夫
中村 克巳
伊達 武利
弓削 大四郎
酒井 和裕
奥平 毅
市原 和彦
三村 寛
山口県立中央病院 整形外科
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