A Case of Neurofibromatosis Exhibiting Paraplegia Caused by Dislocation Fracture of the Spine.
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We experienced a 12-year-old female exhibiting paralysis caused by the dislocation fracture of the vertebrae without obvious history of trauma. She showed dislocation between the 10th and 11th thoracic vertebrae and kyphotic deformation at 56°. Surgery was performed immediately by the posterior approach. After resection of the 10th and 11th thoracic laminae, decompression and pulsation of the dura mater were observed. The vertebral bodies were dislocated rotating around the spinal canal and continuity of the canal was retained. The spinal cord was bent in a manner escaping backwards. Posterior fusion with the Luque rod and wire was performed in the closest possible position for restoration. Paralysis started to subside from the 3rd week after the operation. 6 months later now, sensory and motor paralyses have more or less disappeared.In this case, dislocation fracture appeared to occur because of fragile bone tissues without any obvious trauma. Since the spinal cord moved backward as if to avoid injuries, paralysis was eliminated by decompression and fusion, and close observations were implemented.
西村 謙一
酒匂 崇
松永 俊二
鹿児島大学 大学院運動機能修復学講座整形外科学鹿児島リウマチ研究班
武富 栄二
鹿児島大学 大学院運動機能修復学講座整形外科学鹿児島リウマチ研究班
津守 伸浩
鹿児島大学 整形外科
津守 伸浩
松永 俊二
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