恋愛関係の発展・崩壊と社会的スキル (魅力と愛の社会心理学<特集>)
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In this paper, we investigated the relationship between heterosocial skills and present or past close interpersonal expreirences. One hundred and thirteen male and 163 female undergraduates were asked to rate their present close interpersonal relationships, as well as the most impressive, disappointing relationship in their past. The basic social skills inventory and the heterosocial skills inventory were conducted at the same time. Multiple regression analysis revealed medium correlations between the encoding, decoding skills and the heterosocial skills in females. In males, the basic skills correlated with one or two aspects of the heterosocial skills respectively. An analysis of the current close interpersonal relationships proved that both skills were refined during the development of intimacy. Males refined skills in an early stage of development. Females deliberately developed skills as they became convinced at the importance of their relationships. Moreover, past disappoints in love also affected their skills. In males, there were several significant relationships between the confidence gained from past experiences and their present skills. Contrarily, females lacked these relationships except where they were accompanied by strong affection.
- 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会の論文
- 恋愛関係の発展・崩壊と社会的スキル (魅力と愛の社会心理学)
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- シンポジウム記録 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会・日本学術会議 共催シンポジウム 自己認識のポジティビティと適応の個人差・文化差
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- 状況研究の諸相と性格心理学
- パーソナル・テーマと社会的スキル
- 恋愛関係の発展・崩壊と社会的スキル (魅力と愛の社会心理学)