- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of dyad relations on the degree of agreement (congruency) between self-perception and the evaluations of personality perceived by partner were explored using seventh graders as subjects. In study 1, 42 mutual (MP) and 47 unilateral (UP) friendship pairs were selected. Each partner in each pair was asked to choose 5 personality traits from 30 traits which deemed to describe properly (a) the self and (b) the self perceived by the partner. The congruency between (a) and (b), and content of the both agreement and/or disagreement characteristics were analized. MP, opposed to the chooser in UP, showed high congruency between (a) and (b), and perceived more positive evaluations by partner. In study 2, conducted four-months after study 1 (using the same subjects group), 20 maintained mutual (MM), 6 growing mutual (GM), and 11 decayed mutual (DM) pairs were selected. The congruency didn't show significant difference between those 3 types of mutual pairs and no difference was found between 1st and 2nd investi gations. Analysis of the contents of the agreement and/or disagreement, however, indicated that MM consistently perceived positive evaluations by partner and DM became to assume that partner was becoming aware of the subjects' negative personality traits.
- 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会の論文
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