- 論文の詳細を見る
Prof. D. S. Landes and other American scholars who did pioneering research on French business history studied the reasons for the economic stagnation of France since the turn of the century. They discovered that most of the business enterprises in France were family-owned, small in scale, and managed conservatively.<BR>By contrast, Prof. B. Gille and other French business historians emphasized the success of national economic planning since the end of the World War II, and tried to make it clear that the economic development in this period stemmed from various phenomena of the late 19th century : the corporation system, the joint-stock deposit and investment banks, and the technological innovations in the steel industry. For the purpose of clarifying contributions of 19th century entrepreneurs to the economic development in France, French scholars have published two journals, <I>Histoire des Enterprises</I> and <I>Revue d'Histoire de la Siderurgie</I>.<BR>The author reviewed the papers appearing in the above two journals, and outlined the development of the banking and the steel-making businesses in France.
- 経営史学会の論文
- 創立50周年に寄せて : 「経済学部の顔」としての『エコノミア』 (横浜国立大学創立50周年記念号)
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- 献辞(大崎平八郎教授定年退官記念)
- 柴田三千雄著, 『フランス絶対王政論』, 御茶の水書房, 1960年8月刊, A5判274頁
- M. CHAMBOUX, Repartitionde la propriete fonciere et de l'exploitation dans la Creuse, les paysans dans la Creuse a la fin de l'ancien regime, Memoires et Documents X, Paris, 1955, 60p
- 遅塚忠躬著, 『ロベスピエールとドリヴィエ-フランス革命の世界史的位置-』, 東京大学出版会, 1986年, vii+372+15頁
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