Model D Carding Engine. Part3
- 論文の詳細を見る
The optimum speed of the first and second lickerins and flats in the D card has been investigated to establish the best opening and cleaning action. The following results have been obtained with cotton spun into 40's :<BR>First lickerin 850 r.p.m.<BR>Second lickerin. 200 r.p.m.<BR>Flat 2 in/mm<BR>It has also been shown that yarn guality does not deteriorate even with a doff er speed of 12 r.p.m. in D card as compared with the result of doffer speed of 7 r.p.m. in the conventional card.
- Model D Carding Engine. Part3
- Model D Carding Engine. Part 1
- On the Model D Opener
- Application of Model-D Opener Mechanism to Single-Process Picking System