富士火山のテフラ層序学的噴火予測 (災害とその予測--第4紀研究の果たす役割<特集>)
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Some inductive inferences on the future eruption of Fuji Volcano were drawn mainly from tephrostratigraphic data. The following are the main points:(1) The next eruption may be expected to be large-scale. More than 287 years in a weakened and dormant stage since the last eruption in AD1707 is sufficient for magma build up on a large-scale in view of the long eruption interval (270 years) since the birth of the Younger Fuji Volcano 10, 500 years BP.(2) Based on historical records since AD684, the next eruption or magma rise may be expected to be triggered by large-scale earthquakes along the northwestward subduction zone from the Nankai-Suruga Troughs, which are preceded by eruptions in the northern Izu volcanic islands along the western edge of the Sagami Trough and the Japan Trench.(3) Tephrostratigraphic records since 16, 000 years BP indicate that the central cone eruptions at Hakone Volcano and the dislocations of NS trending left lateral active faults-that is, the Hirayama fault and the north Izu fault system which cut across Hakone Caldera-were often synchronous or linked with the eruptions of Fuji Volcano.It would be useful to monitor Hakone Volcano and these faults from that point of view.(4) The Younger Fuji originated from the NNW-SSE trending rift zone, from which huge quantities of lava flowed out. The center of effluents shifted to the northwest as a general trend. Then the Younger Fuji gradually evolved into a stratovolcano and attained its climax as a beautiful conical volcano. It has been transformed into an aggregate of parastic cones, fissures and explosion craters since the plugging up to the summit crater 2, 200 years BP.Therefore, the next eruption may be expected to break out not at the summit crater but on the flank. The northwestern flank may be the main occurrence point on the accounts of the time-space transition trend of parastic eruptions since 3, 100 years BP.
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