南四国における第4紀の植生変遷 (黒潮圏の第4紀古環境特集号)
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Quaternary vegetation history in southern Shikoku is outlined on the basis of the results of the pollen analytical studies. During the Pleistocene, forests composed mainly of Pinus, Abies, Picea, Tsuga, Cryptomeria, Fagus, Quercus, Betula, Carpinus, Zelkova, etc., occurred in the coastal plains along Tosa Bay. Species composition of the forests, mentioned above, should be approximately equivalent to that of the present temperate mixed forest which is found in the transitional zone between the warm and the cool temperate zones. The species belonging to such genera and families as Keteleeria, Carya, Nyssa, Liquidambar and Taxodiaceae (probably Sequoia, Metasequoia, Taxodium, etc.) had survived until the early Pleistocene. Warm temperate evergreen trees such as Cyclobalanopsis, Castanopsis, Myrica and Podocarpus were also found in the interglacial stages.Mixed temperate and/or cool temperate forests developed widely from the latest Pleistocene to the earliest Holocene in the coastal plains. The warm temperate evergreen trees, however, increased gradually with increasing warmth and luxuriated in the middle Holocene (maximum warmth period), and decreased slightly. in the late Holocene.Primitive cultivation probably began from the middle to late Holocene.
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- 南四国における第4紀の植生変遷 (黒潮圏の第4紀古環境特集号)
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- 南四国における第4紀の植生変遷 (黒潮圏の第4紀古環境特集号)
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