四国山地の隆起と城山層・竜王層の堆積環境 (黒潮圏の第4紀古環境特集号)
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The Nankai fore-arc sliver is a microplate observed at the northern boundary of the Philippine Sea Plate. It has been formed by oblique subbuction of Philippine Sea Plate along the Nankai Trough since 1 Ma BP. The new cycle of subduction forced the Shikoku coastal area to uplift and form the Shikoku Mountains.Stratigraphy and sedimentary facies of the Joyama Formation, located between the foot of Shikoku Mountains and Kochi coastal plain, reveal that the formation consists of fluvial deposits of red conglomerate facies in the lower part, which is similar to red molasse in the Alpine orogeny, large-scale fan deposits in the middle part and higher terrace deposits in the upper part.Ryuou Formation, located at the continental shelf basin and Tosa fore-arc basin, consists of sediments up to 500m thick which were derived only from the uplifted Shikoku Mountains. It represents a lowstand prograding wedge systems tract of the sequence stratigraphy, including trench-fill turbidites at the bottom of Nankai Trough. Thus, it is a marine molasse formed by early upwarping of the Shikoku Mountains.Nankai fore-arc sliver has been uplifted repeatedly, and each cycle has corresponded to a new subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate. The mechanism to uplift coastal mountains can be explained either by ductile flow in the depth of the accretionary wedge or by faulting or brittle deformation of the wedge. Field observation in Nankai Trough and Shikoku Mountains suggests ductile deformation such as active folding in the depth of the wedge.
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